Footwear Assessment

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Footwear Assessment

Footwear Assessment

Our feet carry us around all day long. We walk, walk, twist around, turn, jump, run, and bend and stand. Shoes protect and strengthen our feet! Running can increase the strain on our feet, which can be three times the body weight! Therefore, a shoe with the right fit could prevent injuries and injuries from overuse, whereas improperly designed or poorly fitting shoes could cause issues with legs and feet.

We will evaluate your shoes to perform various tasks and offer advice on your particular requirements. This could be casual, at work, or just for fun. We can suggest specific shoes for multiple sports like netball boots for football, cricket, hockey or tennis, golf, lawn bowls, and hiking. The gait analysis on the treadmill of running and walking your athletic shoes could be useful in determining the right shoes for your specific foot or injury.

Ian’s Podiatry Centre Podiatrists are experts in advising those who live in our region about shoes that are appropriate for the needs of their job, such as work boots for trades or farmers; and for those who are constantly on their feet such as nurses or working in retail.

Certain health conditions, such as diabetes and arthritis, may require additional shoes, and we can tailor advice to your specific needs. We want to help educate you so that you can find supportive, comfortable, and well-fitting shoes to allow you to stay active and do what you wish to accomplish in your life.